Posts Tagged ‘crazy laws’

You just can’t make this stuff up!

I find the ways of politicians very mysterious.  I mean, what are they thinking?  I was an International Relations/Political Science major in college, many years ago when I was young and foolish and still believed I could change the world.  (Well, ok, I still believe that, but I just go about it in a different way.  Ssshh, don’t tell anyone.  It’s part of my plan to overthrow the free world…)  Anyway, after I got to see the ins and outs of how governments really work, I gave up on all that.  I came to realize that one of the things that we have in common with the rest of the world is that politicians are politicians everywhere and the best people with the best intentions become politicians as soon as they are elected or appointed to office.  Some things never change!

So, if you think that some of the new things the government is doing today are crazy, check out some of the laws our illustrious local, state, and national governments have done in the past:

In Cleveland, Ohio, it’s illegal to catch mice without a hunting license.   (Tell that to the cats!)

In Miami, Florida, it’s illegal for a man to wear a strapless gown.

In Chicago, Illinois, it’s  illegal for a woman that weighs 200 pounds to ride horses in shorts.

Ohio – It is illegal to sell beer while wearing a Santa Claus suit, even if you are a dog.  (The cats, however, are making a mint!)

It is still illegal for a Dakota Indian to live in Minnesota!  (Word is that this law may finally be repealed this year. Seriously!)

In Wisconsin it is illegal to wave a burning torch in the air.   (Ok, so where are we supposed to wave it then?  In Lake Michigan?)

In North Caroline it is illegal to plow a field with an elephant.   (Zebras and hippos are ok, though.)

In Barber, North Carolina, it is illegal for dogs and cats to fight.  (With or without Santa suits.)

Ventura County, California- Cats or dogs can’t have sex without a permit.   (The mice, though, are going at it like rabbits.  So are the rabbits, for that matter.)

You just can’t make this stuff up, folks!

By the way, if I were a dog or cat in this country, I would be feeling very oppressed right now.  I might even be thinking about calling the ACLU.  I mean, politicians fight all the time. And if politicians are allowed to have sex and reproduce without a permit…well, you see where I’m going with this.

For those of you with a good sense of humor about our politicians, check out this website from Jimmy Fallon:

Also known as the "Why didn't I pick Hilary as VP?!"

Also known as the "Why didn't I pick Hilary as VP?!"

Today’s mystery:  How is it that a cat can lick its butt and still be picky about the taste of the cat food we buy?

UPDATE:  Well, now we know why it’s illegal to wave a torch in the air in Wisconsin…

Clearly a political "witch hunt."

Clearly a political "witch hunt."

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