The Pain of Politics

Sometimes the mysteries aren’t funny.

This Monday (6-28-10), my son received some exciting news: President Obama was coming to our city for a town hall meeting and he had been asked to sing the National Anthem there. He was very excited – well, as excited as 17 year old guys ever can be. He gave his SSN so he could be background checked, and was told that if he checked out, with no arrests, warrants, etc., he would be singing. The town hall meeting would begin at 1:15 on Wednesday, June 30, 2010. Tuesday he called the local state representative in charge of scheduling him and was told that someone from the White House advance team would be contacting him with further info.

And then, silence.

This morning, he tried to act like he didn’t care, but he obviously did. He tried to act like he wasn’t still holding out hope, but he obviously was. He tried to act like it didn’t hurt, but it obviously had.

My husband and I had been afraid from the beginning this would happen. Both my husband and our son have listed “Constitutional Conservative” under Political Views on their Facebook pages. The hubby has never made a secret of his political leanings, and while he has never posted hateful diatribes about the President, he has commented on blogs and written a few articles strongly disagreeing with President Obama’s politics and policies.  (I do not publicize my own political views, since I’m a pastor.  I don’t fit neatly into any political pigeonhole anyway.)

As we considered this, and the hour grew later and later, our hearts sank. Apparently, our boy was about to learn some hard lessons about what happens when you have the courage of your convictions.

I want to believe that this was a mistake.  That he wasn’t simply passed over for a “photo op” that would serve to highlight a policy or politics as usual.  I want to believe that this was some administrative blunder, made by a bureaucrat who had a better idea and little time, and who forgot to make the call to a young man who was waiting for the opportunity of a lifetime.  I want to believe that this was a simple oversight, that our governmental machine would not, COULD NOT be so petty as to exclude an exceptionally talented and deserving young man just because his family did not belong to the “right” political party.  And I will not consider any other, more ominous possibilities. Because to entertain those thoughts would be to entertain the notion that the country we love and served has started down a bumpy and tragic road.

My son turns 18 in October and will vote for the first time in November. I want him to remember what happened today. I want him to always be skeptical of the motives of anyone who seeks political office, and to vote for the candidate who truly wants to serve the people and not their own interests. I want him to always remember to vote for the candidate to whom the “little person” is as important as the “dignitary,” to vote for the person who sees every citizen as valuable, regardless of their party, their race, their age, their sex, their sexual preference, or their religion.  I want him to remember this day, and to remember that everyone is important, no matter how inconsequential they may seem.

Today, something was taken away from this young man that can never be replaced. He lost a little of his idealism, a little of his faith in the system, a little more of the innocence of youth. And my heart, a mother’s heart, is breaking.

It is now 12:30 PM.

President Obama, we’re still waiting for your staff’s call, sir.


The national anthem was sung by SSG Emily Russell, a member of the Wisconsin Army National Guard’s public affairs office, who has been called on to sing the anthem before at public events around Wisconsin.  We are both pleased and proud to have had this honor go to a member of our Armed Forces, particularly an Army soldier!

But it still would have been nice to get a phone call.

For those of you who have asked, I will post some video of a couple of my son’s performances in the next day or so. Stay tuned!!

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The Cat’s Meow, Part II

The Russian Blue doesn’t say much. By nature these cats are quiet and sullen, preferring to shoot baleful glances at the kids and mutter guttural curses at the dog under their breath. They hold a grudge forever. The icy cold of Archangelsk and the Steppes of Siberia has sunk into their souls and they are sure that the rest of the world has conspired to deprive them of their God-given rights.

Yesterday I trod on the Blue’s tail, which resulted in an unearthly tirade that seemed to consist of a lot of consonants strung together at improbable intervals. Loosely translated I think he said, “Prepare to die, capitalist pig” but I’m a little rusty.

My Blue, however, loves me and follows me around. Tiny and slight, he sometimes appears in my lap before I realize he is even there. (The kids swear he can teleport, but haven’t been able to prove this yet.) Suddenly a pair of glowing green eyes is gazing at me intensely, and a soft head butts my hand for attention. We share a moment, with the theme from Dr. Zhivago playing in the background, and then he’s off – either to fillet the Labrador’s face or to plot the overthrow of the free world, I’m not sure which. Possibly both.

The other night my husband woke at 1:00 AM to find the Blue sitting on my chest and staring at him. An hour later he glanced over his shoulder again to see the Blue in the exact same position, still eye-balling him menacingly. “It was really creepy,” the hubby reported the next morning over coffee. “I think he was plotting on me…”

Silly man. Of course he was!

The Blue makes his feelings known in a low voice that speaks of cheap Russian cigarettes and vodka. Mine actually utters one Human word: MOM. And he speaks it. A LOT.

One day the plumber was at my house. The visit lasted a few hours and I pitched all three pets down to the basement to keep them out of the way. The Lab and the Tabby were good with this. The Blue, on the other hand was mortally offended. “Mom! Mom!”

At first Joe was friendly and cheerful. He and I chatted in between the trips I made up and downstairs with the laundry. When I came down after one trip, however, he looked at me rather oddly.

“Are your kids home today?” he asked.

“No, they’re both at school.”

“Oh.” He went back to work.

The Blue continued to express himself vigorously. “Mom! Moowwwm!!”

“Shut up!” I told him. “You can come out when Joe’s gone!”

A half hour later, the Blue was still yowling and had started banging his head against the door.

Finally, Joe couldn’t stand it anymore. “Aren’t you going to answer him?” he shouted. “Who is down there anyway? I thought your kids were in school!”

Baffled, I stared at him. “Huh?”

“There’s someone down there screaming ‘Mom!’” His hand was on his cell phone and I was pretty sure a call to Child Protective Services was coming next.

Just then, the Blue let out a howl. “That? That’s not a kid. That is a cat. And an obnoxious one at that!”

“A cat?”

I went over to the basement door and opened it. Out shot a smoky blue streak. I barely caught a glimpse of neon green eyes and a veiled threat as he bolted for the living room. Neatly catching him, I held him out at Joe. “Mom! Mowwwowwm!” the Blue screamed, wriggling wildly.

Joe sat down limply. “I never would have believed it. I have never heard anything like that before. That cat speaks English!” The Blue hissed and spat wildly in his direction. Meanwhile, the Labrador and Tabby came up the stairs and added their voices to the fray. I dropped the Blue who tried to run, spitting Cossack epithets that sounded something like, “Son of a Romanian whorehound!” The Lab gleefully bounded after him, knocking Joe and his tool kit over in the process. I haven’t seen Joe since.

As I write this, the Tabby is sleeping on one side of me and the Blue is sitting on the arm of the chair blocking my access to my tea. The Lab is napping in the armchair.

Once again, détente reigns in the land.

Russian Blue

The Russian Prince on his usual throne


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The Cat’s Meow, Part I

Cats are mysterious creatures.

There’s a story that God created cats so that humans wouldn’t get a big head from their dog’s hero-worship. I have no problem believing that at all.

Tabby cats are a truly breed apart. The bon vivants of the cat world, Tabbys go through life expecting adulation and adoration. They basically like people and crave attention. They are willing and anxious to share their lives and innermost feelings with you and to use you as their personal hot water bottle.

Over the years, I have attained an intermediate fluency in Cat, with a specialty in the sub-dialects of Tabby. (And Russian Blue, but that’s my next blog entry.)

Tabby is pretty easy to master. Most of what they say pertains to their stomachs, vocal cords, and personal comfort. For example:

“Meer.” That means: I’m here. Prepare to worship me.

“Meemeierowm.” Why did you stop petting me? You can sleep later.

“Owwmowwm mow.” The water bowl/food bowl seems to be empty. I’m sure that you will fix this soon.

“Meerow.” Yes, of course I want to sleep under the covers with you tonight, silly woman.

“Reoow!” Hey, Dad, doesn’t my tail smell GREAT? Have a sniff!

“Meeeerowowoerow iaoooowww…” Good evening Mom and Dad! I have learned a new aria which I will now sing for you at the top of my lungs…

“Rowch! Merp?!” Ow! Why did you throw me off the bed?!

The Tabby has a lot to say and says it at great length whenever the mood takes him. Private conversations hold no meaning for him; his need to converse outweighs anyone else’s need for peace and quiet. All the world is his stage and he is making the most of his moments in the spotlight. And if he has to share the limelight with a few other people and animals, well, that’s OK as long as they recognize his divine right to be the first one at the water bowl and the patch of sunlight.

Mice fear him, dogs respect him, humans want to be him. Let’s hope he never develops opposable thumbs; he might decide to run for President!

And he’ll probably win.

The family Alpha Male, letting the Lab know who's boss

Hey, check this out! Some cats already have opposable thumbs!

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Stuck in My Own Web

Only one full day into 2010 and I have encountered the biggest mystery of my life so far: my Website. And it just may be the one that does me in.

Yes, I know that someone with a computer track record like mine has no business trying to even maintain a website let alone build one from scratch. And yet some spark of insanity possessed me a few days before the end of 2009 and I just had to do it.

“Sweetie,” I said to the hubby, who was sunk in an advanced stage of relaxation, “I want a website.”

To his credit he didn’t even look skeptical. “OK. What do you want to call it?”

I thought for a moment. “I would like to call it Simple Living.” Here it was, my proud entry into the wonderful world of website ownership! My dream come true! I wanted to be practical, though. “If you can’t get that, let’s just go with Living Simply.

Yep, those were my two choices. Not just my first two choices, mind, the ONLY two choices. Hah. That should have been my first clue.

A frustrating and glazed-eyed half hour later I was the not-so-proud owner of (Back 2 Basics Central? OMG. I sound like a 1970’s teenager again! “This is like, dull central. Let’s split.”)

But, surely my enthusiasm would come back as soon as a built the site, right? Of course it would. I was confident that by the end of 24 hours Back to Basics would be up and running! Now if only I could figure out what all those little icons meant.

Hubby eyeballed me. “I think you’ll be better off using Microsoft Frontpage. I think I have an old copy upstairs someplace.”

Mr. Frontpage Wizard, however, chose the very next day (New Year’s Eve) to have an emergency tooth extraction. Honestly, some people will do anything to avoid helping! Clearly, I was on my own.

So yesterday, on New Year’s Day, I waded in, blissfully unaware of the doom awaiting me. Mostly oblivious to the soft moans of discomfort coming from blanket-covered form of the hubby in the recliner next to me, I hit the ground crawling. And immediately hit a brick wall.

The cPanel (which I guess means control panel, although it could also mean CzechoslovakianPanel, which is the language I think it’s speaking to me) wanted me to direct my DNS to the host using my FTP unless I had a dedicated IP, in which case I didn’t have to point anything at anything. That sounded vaguely dirty, but I plowed on. And got nowhere. After a rousing game of Bubble Popp, I tried again. And found myself even more confused.

But wait! Don’t I have a dear friend who builds websites? Of course I do! And within minutes she had dragged herself away from beating me on Bubble Popp to gleefully point out that Linux servers are far better than Microsoft servers, that Frontpage has great extensions, and that she uses Dreamweaver. Really?

Silly me. I always thought that was a song.

In the meantime, I have already managed to screw it up so that I now have another WordPress blog parked on Oops.

It’s going to be a long year.

This is the page I got when I tried to upload my WordPress blog onto my WordPress website:

Today’s mystery: Why do we say “It’s all Greek to me,” when “It’s all html to me” would be so much more accurate?
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Not yet!!

Just a quick clarification:  my website is still under construction and is not up and running yet.  Stay tuned on this blog – I’ll post when it’s up!

In the meantime, while you’re waiting, please enjoy this sickeningly cute viral video:

Enough to just make you warm and fuzzy all over, isn’t it?

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The Mystery of Change

Last year I embarked on a career as a freelance writer.  As part of that, I created this blog, Mysteries of My Life, which was was designed to allow me to use my sense of humor while stretching my writing talents.  I really enjoy this blog and looked forward to growing it.

Life, however, has a tendency to get in the way.  Because of some unexpected events our family’s finances became precarious.  Somehow, it became difficult to find something to be funny about.  What began as a joyful expression of humor became a burden and chore, and my fledgling blog was abandoned before it could ever leave the nest.

As our funds grew tighter, however, a funny thing happened.  I discovered that there are some benefits to having less.  One of them is, well, having LESS.

What you do with the resources you have at your disposal makes all the difference. We started at the beginning and identified the basics that were crucial to our lives – love, faith, family, and friends.  Then we took inventory of what we already had.

I turned a generally inquisitive nature into my biggest asset.  Maximizing my belief that there is nothing that I cannot do given enough time and desire, I found ways to satisfy our needs with a minimum expenditure.  I swallowed my pride and started shopping at thrift stores.  I embraced the celebration of low prices that is Aldi’s. I began to exploit the valuable information on the Internet and taught myself to do things I would never have dreamed of doing a few months earlier.

In the process I learned a lot about myself and what is truly important to me, and have become the better for it.  And the journey continues – there is a loooonnnng path before we are out of the dark and scary woods!

Over the following months, I will be transforming and re-launching this blog on my new website,  I’ve created this site to help others who, like me, have had to re-imagine what life can look like when stripped to the bare essentials. While the primary focus of the blog will shift from humor to living frugally, there is still plenty to laugh about in my life.

So come, walk with me as together we explore the most troubling mystery of my life so far – just how far can you lower the thermostat before the cats freeze?


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Do the Twitter Bug…

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Chicken Soup for the Desperate

I hate colds.  The sniffling, the sneezing, the “just-shoot-me-now-and-put-me-out-of-my-misery” head pressure.   I feel (and look) like I should be the “before” picture in a commercial for sinus medication!

Most of all, I hate the coughing.  So of course, I have been working on bringing up a lung for the last three weeks.  I don’t sleep.  The hubby doesn’t sleep.  It’s been so bad that the pets won’t sleep with us.  The cats give me the “you’re interfering with my 15 hours of beauty sleep” look.  You know you’re making annoying noises when even the dog gets up and leaves the room.   I have tried hot tea, cold tea, hot lemon water, wine, and peppermint schnapps.  It didn’t help.  Well, OK, the schnapps helped a little, just not with the cough!  (Did I mention that I hate coughing?)

So what’s a gal to do, but make a pot of chicken soup and call it good?   Crank up the air conditioning and enjoy the comfort of this soul-satisfying soup!

Easiest Chicken Soup Ever

  • Olive oil
  • 2 large yellow onions, cut into 1 inch chunks
  • 1/2 bag of peeled baby carrots or 3 cups of peeled, chunked carrots
  • 2 lbs boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut into large chunks
  • 2 tbsp flour
  • 2 quarts chicken broth
  • 1 cup good red wine
  • 1/2 cup soy sauce
  • 1 tsp basil
  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder
  • ground black pepper to taste

Cut the onions into one inch chunks.  In the bottom of a heavy-duty stock pot, saute the onion in 2 tbsp olive oil until the onions are translucent.  Add half a bag of peeled baby carrots, or three cups of fresh, peeled carrot cut into chunks.  Cut the boneless, skinless chicken into large chunks, and toss it in with the onions and carrots.  Saute the meat and veggies until they begin to caramelize (just turn a bit brown).  The key to this is not to stir it too often.   When the chicken and veggies are browned, sprinkle them with 2 tbspns of flour and stir to coat.  Add 2 quarts of chicken broth, 1 cup of good red wine, 1/4 cup of soy sauce, 1 tsp basil, 1/2 tsp garlic powder, and ground black pepper to taste.   Stir, making sure to scrape up the browned bits from the bottom of the pan, bring to a boil, turn the heat down to medium, and cook for 20 minutes.   Stir, turn heat down to low, and simmer for 1 hour.  Taste, adjust seasonings, and simmer for another hour.  Serve with bread and a salad.

And lots of peppermint schnapps.  (Did I mention that I REALLY hate coughing?)

Here’s something to keep you busy while the soup is cooking:  The Chicken Dance!!

Today’s Mystery:  Why do cats always get hairballs?  At midnight?  On the bed?

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You just can’t make this stuff up!

I find the ways of politicians very mysterious.  I mean, what are they thinking?  I was an International Relations/Political Science major in college, many years ago when I was young and foolish and still believed I could change the world.  (Well, ok, I still believe that, but I just go about it in a different way.  Ssshh, don’t tell anyone.  It’s part of my plan to overthrow the free world…)  Anyway, after I got to see the ins and outs of how governments really work, I gave up on all that.  I came to realize that one of the things that we have in common with the rest of the world is that politicians are politicians everywhere and the best people with the best intentions become politicians as soon as they are elected or appointed to office.  Some things never change!

So, if you think that some of the new things the government is doing today are crazy, check out some of the laws our illustrious local, state, and national governments have done in the past:

In Cleveland, Ohio, it’s illegal to catch mice without a hunting license.   (Tell that to the cats!)

In Miami, Florida, it’s illegal for a man to wear a strapless gown.

In Chicago, Illinois, it’s  illegal for a woman that weighs 200 pounds to ride horses in shorts.

Ohio – It is illegal to sell beer while wearing a Santa Claus suit, even if you are a dog.  (The cats, however, are making a mint!)

It is still illegal for a Dakota Indian to live in Minnesota!  (Word is that this law may finally be repealed this year. Seriously!)

In Wisconsin it is illegal to wave a burning torch in the air.   (Ok, so where are we supposed to wave it then?  In Lake Michigan?)

In North Caroline it is illegal to plow a field with an elephant.   (Zebras and hippos are ok, though.)

In Barber, North Carolina, it is illegal for dogs and cats to fight.  (With or without Santa suits.)

Ventura County, California- Cats or dogs can’t have sex without a permit.   (The mice, though, are going at it like rabbits.  So are the rabbits, for that matter.)

You just can’t make this stuff up, folks!

By the way, if I were a dog or cat in this country, I would be feeling very oppressed right now.  I might even be thinking about calling the ACLU.  I mean, politicians fight all the time. And if politicians are allowed to have sex and reproduce without a permit…well, you see where I’m going with this.

For those of you with a good sense of humor about our politicians, check out this website from Jimmy Fallon:

Also known as the "Why didn't I pick Hilary as VP?!"

Also known as the "Why didn't I pick Hilary as VP?!"

Today’s mystery:  How is it that a cat can lick its butt and still be picky about the taste of the cat food we buy?

UPDATE:  Well, now we know why it’s illegal to wave a torch in the air in Wisconsin…

Clearly a political "witch hunt."

Clearly a political "witch hunt."

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Lie to Me

So there I was, thinking that my day was going to be my own when suddenly I remembered that my 16-year-old son wanted to be Pinocchio for the end-of-year party.  (The reason why still escapes me.)  After calling in reinforcements, I tackled Hobby Lobby with visions of Disney sashaying in my head.

Things were going fine until I realized that Pinocchio needs a nose.  Aha! I thought, I can do that.  So I bought some Silly Putty, went home and crafted the best looking paper plate-cone nose you’ve ever seen.  I hot glued it, smeared the whole thing with Silly Putty, and was admiring the effect when the Daughter meandered into the room.

“What is that?”  She wrinkled her adorable 19-year-old nose in a not-so -adorable 19-year-old attitude.

“That is your brother’s nose.”

“Nose, huh?  That’s not what it looks like.  It looks like a huge…”

I cut her off.  “That is because you are a twisted person.  It looks like a nose.”

“If you say so.  Why are you putting it in the fridge?”

Well, all creative artists know that Silly Putty will overheat and stretch if it gets too hot, so I ignored her.

Son comes home, goes into the fridge in search of sustenance and yelps.  “What is THAT?”

“That is your nose.”

“It looks like a big…”

“NO!  IT DOES NOT! It looks like a nose and it even has nostrils.”

“Oh, is that what those are?”

Ungrateful child.  So the nose had a little bump on the end of it.  I’m not a sculptor.  Son promptly goes meandering around the house with the nose in strange places, saying a in a falsetto, “I’m a REAL boy!”

I had a sudden vision that this was going to be quite a night.

Hubby comes home and looks at Son parading around.  “What is he wearing?  Is that a -?”

“Nose,” I replied wearily.  “It is a nose.  Don’t encourage him.”

Son was the hit of the party.  All the girls loved his nose.  All the guys had nose envy.  Many photos were taken, many off-color jokes made, and I just wanted to curl up and die.  He even won for best costume, which he accepted with his usual aplomb.  Let’s face it, any high school sophomore that can pull off  being Pinocchio with a phallic nose is a man to be reckoned with.  Or feared.  Maybe both.

The nose is sitting on the kitchen table right now.  Maybe I’ll have it bronzed.

Pinocchio (the real one) working the crowd

Pinocchio (the real one) working the crowd

Today’s mystery:  Why do the heaviest chested girls always defy gravity by wearing the skimpiest dresses?

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